Monday, October 24, 2011

Two Miles

Saturday brought both good and bad things... First, the bad was that I gained another 1.2 lbs this past week.  Which makes it 1.8 lbs total in the past two weeks.  I was not really proud of myself when I weighed in, but I am working hard this week to stay on track.  Second, because of this bad weigh in I was extra motivated to get to the gym and work hard.  When I got to the Y and on a treadmill, I told myself I would jog slow until I really felt the need to stop and walk.  Remember, I've been doing intervals all month.  So I start to jog and it didn't feel too bad so I decided I would try and make it at least one mile of straight jogging.  The time ticked by and I still wasn't feeling too bad after a mile, so I thought, Why not? Let's make it two.  I have to admit that at that moment I didn't have a lot of faith in myself but I still kept going and I ended up jogging two miles straight.  They were 12 minute miles, so I wasn't going too fast and I can still work on improving the time, but my ultimate short term goal to reach by the end of January was to run 3 miles straight.  If I keep jogging at this pace, I'll have to up the ante!  All I can say is that despite the small weight gain, I am really proud of myself and I am beginning to believe I might be able to achieve my running goals after all!


  1. I am so proud of you too. And I am really glad that you are blogging again because I feel like you are really helping me as well. I am super-impressed that you just went out there and ran two miles, after not going more than three minutes at a time. It's all coming back to you so quickly!!! Maybe you'll be ready for the Lincoln Half-Marathon. You are such a motivation. I hope I am helping you in some small way too!
    I am going to try to run intervals this week in honor of you. Not to train for a distance, but because it is such a good workout and I need something with high intensity. Thanks for sharing! And I kind of need a reason to do cardio right now, it seems so boring. Wish you were close enought that we could workout together.

  2. Jen, where are you? I am in desperate need of motivation!!!
