Monday, October 15, 2012

October Blahs

I know, I know, it's been over a month.

It's not that I don't think about blogging, I do.  But really, I don't have anything to say.

September looked like this:
I ran a 10k (and I actually ran the whole thing, which amazed me)
I went out for Karrie's "Girl's Night" which included lots of yummy food and drink
I participated and went to Karrie and Dan's wedding, which also including lots of food and drink and fun
I went to my Grandma's 90th birthday party and my brother-in-law's 40th birthday party, and both included lots of food and drink (and a little fun)
Then it became October....
I went to Sammie's 1st birthday party, which included good food and cake
I got on the treadmill and ran 2.5 miles
I worked a full week of work subbing in the afternoon - which left no time to work out since I had to pick up Josie straight after work.

I went out with Don and Josie on Sunday to Village Pointe since it was such a nice day and I feel that we are running out of those.  First we went to Gigi's Cupcakes (it was their grand opening) and their cupcakes are half frosting.  They were handing out mini cupcakes at the door and then we bought two cupcakes to take with us for dessert after dinner.  Now, I had not showered at all that day and was feeling pretty raggedy and fat and blah.  Walking around an outdoor shopping mall in a wealthier part of town was not what I needed... A bunch of rich, fit looking women/families walking around (shopping which I can't really do right now) made me feel even worse and eating that cupcake later was a catch 22 - part of me wanted to eat it as a sort of therapy and part of me hated myself as I ate it... and I didn't even eat the whole thing because it was just too much.

So the next day I got up and told Don I was going jogging.  I have a hard time assigning a time for myself to work out.  I guess when you have a kid you feel like it's supposed to be approved by someone or something.  I feel guilty, like I should be doing something else (especially when my house is a flipping mess).  So I told him I was going to be working out by 10 am, no excuses.  Thankfully it was a pretty nice morning and I took my workout outside and jogged through Boystown.  I did walk a few parts, I hadn't jogged outside since the 10k last month and it was a little tough but it still felt good. 

I wanted to work out today but there were still things that needed to be done at home after work/before getting Josie so I focused on those things.  I've decided I want to train for a half-marathon next spring.... I just need something to motivate me other than wanting to do it... especially since "baking season" is upon me and nothing makes me giddier than baking around the holidays.  I've even considered starting my baking early and freezing things so I can give more as gifts. 

That's my summary of the blahs I've been feeling.  Blah mixed in with a little bit of self-loathing and I really need to snap out of it.

1 comment:

  1. Well, the past is the past and it's time to start looking forward. It seems we both had a rough time in September. But keep in mind what the end goal is. You motivate me so much, keep it up!
