Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lacking Motivation

I just seem to be out of lately.  I don't know if it's the restart of the school year and trying to really get into a schedule or if it was planning Karrie's shower that had my brain off track, but I should be over it by now, right?  The shower was Sunday and a success I think (even though I'm not real fond of the way I look in the group picture... it looks like I've never lost weight) and the school year is now in full swing, so I should be able to get back on track.  I even made a schedule of workouts for the months of August and September but I've barely stayed on track with that.  My plan is to make September a more successful month.

I did not go to weight watchers this week because when I got on the scale it was the same as the previous week.  No loss but no gain, so I'll take it.  I would like a loss this week.  I'm almost at 45 pounds lost and I think hitting that mark would help motivate me.  However, it is already Wednesday and I don't think I've been doing very well food or workout wise.  There were leftover cookies and mints from the shower and I've been snacking on those.  This is why I don't bake cookies very often, if they are around I will eat them and I don't have any willpower to stop.  I also haven't had great workouts until today.  Sunday in itself was a workout.  I was on my feet from 1-5 setting up the shower, hosting the shower, and helping clean up.  This includes hauling things back and forth (you know what I'm talking about!) and I was physically exhausted by the time I got home.  Because I didn't get any of my usual Sunday chores done, I did them all on Monday right after I left school.  I got groceries on the way home, put those away, ran and emptied the dishwasher (and reloaded it!), did 2 loads of laundry, put away all the clean laundry and vacuumed the whole downstairs area.  I literally did not stop moving until I picked up Josie at 4.  That night when I got in bed I could feel my throat starting to get sore...

Fortunately I have not gotten fully sick.  I'm hoping it is just a short lived, passing by, kind of cold.  I was so tired yesterday after school and since I had worked my butt off on Monday I decided it was okay to take a nap.  After all, if I don't rest I could get sicker.  I felt somewhat refreshed after that and then had to take Josie to the doctor for her 15-month check-up.  This was the LONGEST appointment ever.  I hate waiting at the doctor, especially with a toddler that likes to get into everything!  Luckily Don was off early because he had to go to the dentist and we were able to have an early dinner and then all go for a walk.  I thought I was up for the walk, but by the end I was struggling.  I felt weak and tired, so Josie and I went to bed early.

I feel somewhat better today.  After school, I forced myself to get on the treadmill (after another short nap) and I jogged 4 miles.  They were slower than I've been doing lately.  I'm trying to believe that I'll be able to run this 10k that's coming up but I haven't had many chances to get outside and I'm struggling to think I'll be able to run the whole thing and not feel like dying.


  1. I know what you mean. I am lacking motivation right now as well. The shower was a big motivator for me (pictures, etc) and now that it's over I am just over this whole work-out-my-whole-life lifestyle. It doesn't help to not see ANY movement on the scale.

    But I think you look cute in the picture. Crop up a little more... that usually does the trick ;)You can totally tell you've been losing weight. I don't mean to offend, but look at the pics from last year (at your birthday) HUGE change! You have worked really hard (we both have) and this is not the time to give up. This is the time to push on until the end. Good job on the 4 mile run!

  2. How's it going? Hope you are so busy working out that you don't have time to blog. And I hope you've thrown all the mints and cookies away and the pounds are just melting off! I hope nobody sick and school is going great! And I can't wait to see you soon and do some celebrating!
