Monday, March 12, 2012


Remember how last week's weigh-in was disappointing? Thank goodness for sticking to things because I had a 3 pound loss this Saturday!  This means I have 5 more pounds to lose before I reward myself with a pedicure.  With the current 7-day forecast, I'm pretty motivated to stay on track... My feet are dying to be free of socks and shoes and need to get sandal ready.

Last Thursday I just about killed myself on the treadmill with a 5-mile workout.  I did end up having to walk part of this training session because the workouts always include some sort of incline during the jog. Even  when I was in the best shape ever, I did not train by running at any sort of incline on the treadmill.  Sure, if I was outside there were hills... but there were also down-hills, which do not seem to be included in these workouts.  I feel like I am just constantly jogging up a hill (not a very big hill, but still).  I'm guessing it is these hard workouts that have been helping with the weight loss.  This week has two more after yesterdays 3-miler.  Tomorrow is about an hour long, reaching just over 4 miles and Thursday will be another killer... 6 miles.  I can't even think about how long it will take me right now.  Definitely slower than the 6 miles I jogged two summers ago at the 10k I did.  But I am determined to stick with it.  I've been sweating a lot but I finally feel like I have some energy again!  This is important when you have a baby constantly on the move.

I did okay this weekend with food.  Today hasn't been great.  For some reason I was ravenous when I got home from work and the leftover piece of pizza I had for lunch did nothing for me and I ended up eating some peanut butter out of the jar.  Peanut butter is one of my biggest weaknesses.  If it weren't for Don, I wouldn't even have it around because it is so tempting.  The first time I did WW I basically eliminated it from my diet but Don loves it too much for us to not have it around.  Hopefully this weeks planned workouts and walks in the nice weather will help me out.  It would be nice to have another big week but I am trying to be realistic and am hoping for another pound lost.

1 comment:

  1. Three pounds! Excellent!
    It's even encouraging me... you can have a couple of stale weeks and then a good one appears. And it really does have a lot to do with exercise. Great job with your running Jen. Really, I am so impressed. You're about to be back to six miles. SIX MILES!!! That's crazy. I am so proud of you :)
