Monday, January 30, 2012

New Treadmill

A few things to post about today:

1. Don and I went to Sears this past weekend and made a splurge purchase.  It means I have to cancel my gym membership to pay for it, but I think in the end it will pay for itself.  We ordered a new treadmill!  It comes on Friday.  I cannot count how many times I have wanted to go to the gym to jog but once I factor in all the driving time and time wasted in the gym setting up and getting ready to go, I don't have enough time.  This way I can jog when I get home from work/before I pick up Josie and I don't have to worry about making it anywhere on time or some stinky, sweaty person jogging next to me, coughing and annoying me.  I'm hoping I can get back on schedule for my possible half-marathon goal for September.

2. I have been trying a lot of new recipes lately.  My goal is to try 2-3 new Weight Watcher recipes a week.  Last week we had an Asian Beef Salad, Lemon Chicken and Broccoli on rice, and Shrimp Scampi and Linguine.  This week I have a Chicken and Spinach Lasagna, Mexican Meatloaf, and Spicy Thai Beef Noodles planned for the menu.  Planning all this food has cut out the opportunity to eat out because I plan it all out and buy all the groceries on Sunday, plus I print out all the recipes so they are ready for using when I need them.  It is also nice that the points are already calculated for me, as long as I stick to the serving size!  I bought the WW food scale so that has also been helping me portion things out correctly.

3.  Today's weigh in was okay.  It was a loss but not much of one.  Only .8 of a pound lost, but that makes the total 21 pounds.  I'm tying to come up with some sort of reward system, like a pedicure or new running shoes when I reach certain goals.  Any ideas?  Every 10 pounds lost? Or a small reward for 5 or 10 and a larger for 20?  I have 40 pounds I would still like to shed and want to make sure I have plenty to keep me motivated!  You know, aside from the healthier, better looking me!

1 comment:

  1. A new treadmill? How freaking exciting. As soon as I have a basement, that's gonna be one of the first things I purchase. Good luck with getting back in running shape. Some how it seems so much harder this time around. If I ruin all your marathon goals, maybe you and I should find a (smaller) race to do a few weeks before the wedding. That will give us something to work towards and something fun to do together. Wait... I didn't want to be a runner...

    A loss is a loss! Good work on your menu planning and moving in the right direction!
